Pocztówki z wakacji
DIY pocztówki z wakacji. Ostemplowałam kawałki sztywnego kolorowego papieru pieczątkami z letnim motywem.
DIY postcards from summer. Stamped pieces of colored stiff paperwith a summer theme stamps.
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1 komentarze
OdpowiedzUsuńMy name is Ana but most the people (mainly online)
prefer to call me Anne. I am a snail mailer from Portugal and I decided to
update my blog. ‘Yes, and so what?’ Well, I wonder if you can help me spread
the word because I don’t have much foreign readers and I’d love to. So, go
check out my blog: http://annemeetstheworld.blogspot.pt/
if you want to.
I would greatly appreciate your help!
Oh by the way, I found your blog by coincidence and
I loved it. Keep up with the great work.
Best regards,